Who I am:

A husband, a father, and an electrician who lives in Forest Lake. I love God, people, life, and my country.

Who I am not:

I am Not a politician.

Why I’m running:

We all want to leave a better country for our children than the one we inherited. If I can make a difference for the 5,600 of students in the Forest Lake Area Schools, this will cause a ripple effect throughout our community’s future.

From the time they are born, we are raising our children to leave home — to be motivated, caring, responsible adults. I believe school should be the same. It’s an amazing thing to teach kids not what but rather how to think; to ask questions, to think critically, to look at challenges from every angle, to work hard, to care for others, and to pursue their passions.

We have many amazing things in our school district. I would love to serve the community by helping to add more.

Besides regular duties, I would also like to:

1. Keep politics out of the classroom.

We need education, not indoctrination.

2. Create open communication between the community and schools.

Ideas such as creating a personal YouTube channel to post 5 minute recap videos after each school board meeting, creating an X (formerly Twitter) page to discuss ideas with the community, etc.

3. Represent taxpayers.

To be a representative means to RE-Present others. As school board member, I’ll be vigilant to make sure all money is used wisely. This is how our country is meant to be run - in transparency, by servants. I am running to be a servant of the community.